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A school is actually a home away from home for any student. During student life most of the waking hours of any student are spent at school, learning anything and everything in various dimensions from books, teachers, peers and even school environment.

We at Anandniketan Shilaj, we know how significant a school is in shaping up a student’s personality and holistic learning process. Like an experienced teacher and teaching pedagogy play a critical role in shaping students’ academic lives, infrastructure is also vital. It creates a favourable environment for students’ holistic development. We understand that every parent wants to spend money where their kids feel safe and secure while learning and enjoying their student life. They wish to ensure the schools have ample safety standards and facilities to make learning a joy and we deliver the same.

We have a beautiful green environment with well designed classrooms where we avoid overcrowding & hold student-teacher ratio as the key parameter & make each day student spends on our campus valuable & memorable.

Some of the key components which make us an ideal school are:

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