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Foundation Day 1st July

Foundation Day at ANSH celebrated with a havan ceremony and sapling plantation. Grade 9 to 12 students visit old age home, orphanage home, juvenile home and municipal school. They spend quality time with them and distribute sweets.


Rathyatra is celebrated by AnshParivar with great religious fervour. A chariot is made and decorated in a grand manner. Puja is performed and a procession is taken out with the idols of Lord Krishna, Lord Balram and their sister Subhadra on a chariot and are pulled by the students of grade 5 to 12.


Our students at Ansh celebrate Janmashtami by indulging in revelry and fun. The celebration depict the life of Krishna (Krishna Leela) such as the birth of Lord Krishna and the chariot scene of Mahabharat where he gave his religious discourse to Arjun (compiled in the Bhagwad Gita) and the Dashavtars of Lord Krishna through various activities like dance and drama.

Independence Day

Independence Day: Independence day celebration is an occasion to reflect on our country’s past and dream of a bright and beautiful future ahead. We celebrate Independence Day with patriotic fervour. The stage is tastefully decorated with the three colours of the national flag. The colour scheme highlights the national spirit. Various cultural activities are integral part of celebration followed by “Shiv Prasad Mangal Scholarship Award” giving ceremony to the students for their outstanding academic performance and 100 per cent attendance.

Teacher’s Day (5th Sept)

Teacher’s Day is celebrated with great enthusiasm.

The students of class 12th organize the celebration. Various cultural activities like dance and musical performances followed by games like treasure-hunt, memory game and musical chair are organize by the students. Students do role play of their teachers.

Annual Concert

It is an important time for students to show the audience their talents. The most treasured moments of this Day are the sincere arrangements, the uncontainable enthusiasm, and the full dress rehearsals. Preparations for the Annual Day begin with Twenty days of practice with at least one dedicated hour each day, keeping high success criteria for each item, extensive planning with constant brainstorming and debates, extreme hard work from teachers and all staff members and immense support from our senior management resulted in the grand display of exuberance and celebration. All the vibrant props are carefully hand-made by the students & art team which is artistically displayed at the entrance & used through all the dramas & dances.

The students on the day of our Annual Day Celebration were impeccable .They were confident, bold, perfect with every moves and most importantly free from any hesitation. We heartily thank the parents for the tremendous support and faith they entrusted upon us. Their constant motivation helped the students to reach a great level of perfection. This day surely got engraved in all our memories forever.

Navratri Celebration

We at Ansh we celebrate Navratri with devotion, great spiritual enthusiasm to worship the Goddess ‘MAA Durga’ All the Students, Faculty and Staff Members and parents were invited to the event, The celebration starts by offering prayers and aarti to Goddess Navdurga and seeking blessings to protect everyone from evil. Students understand the spiritual importance of nine days of Navratri and dance gracefully to the melodious garba tunes.

Food stalls are put up and people enjoy the delectable fare at the food stalls. At the end of the programme prizes are given for the best costume and non-stop dance.

Grandparents day

Our mission is to bridge and enrich the generations by fostering intergenerational understanding, communication and cooperation between the generations.” Good relationships between young persons and older adults can help to sustain healthy childhood development and allow us to feel connected in an oftentimes isolating society. Volunteer Grandparents aims to facilitate these extended bonds and intergenerational relationships among adults and children who are not biologically linked. We at ANSH believe strongly in the positive gains of intergenerational connections, and seek to provide the basis for long lasting and committed relationships between older and younger generations. Volunteer Grandparents is dedicated to the fulfillment and well-being of individual lives with the facilitation of intergenerational connections. We envision the betterment of society and the sustaining of healthy communities through the intergenerational bonds that we help to create.

Sports Day

Physical fitness is an essential pre-requisite for leading a healthy life. Students exhibit their special talent and show all of us what enthusiasm, gusto and sportsmanship really means to them. The most awaited Annual Sports Day is a weeklong event balanced between all grades from Nursery to 12 leading to 26th January with great zeal and excitement ensuring every ANSHite gets a change to showcase his/her sportsmanship.. It is theme based and is integrated into the school day with ample practice to ensure a well synchronised execution.

The real importance of Sports day at ANSH is what it does for the spirits and camaraderie of the ANSH community. Team sports encourage a healthy level of competition and also bonding in amongst teams and between houses as they work together to achieve a common goal. It is a great time for students to practice supporting each other through both successes and failure, something our coaches and teachers ensure and encourage.

The programme begins with the welcoming of the chief guests, lightning of the flame and followed by oath taking ceremony and the sports meet is declared open. Its is an occasion where students, teachers, and parents come together for a day of competitive sport. A plethora of athletic events were conducted, wherein all our students displayed a wide array of mesmerizing drills and performances such as Hula hoops display, yoga performance, lezium and skating skills display. The coordinated rhythmic performances gave way to the adrenaline-charged atmosphere. The proud parents’ hearts filled with happiness to see their children display the best of their skills and talents.

The Annual Sports Meet embodied the zeal, talents, and the spirit of true sportsmanship of ANSHites , encouraging them to be persistent and to refine their talents, achieving the greatest of the heights.

Republic Day

Republic Day is celebrated by AnshParivar with a patriotic fervor. The celebrations include a flag hoisting ceremony, a grand parade by the students who are led by the school parliament. They marched in synchronization to the lilting tunes of the school band. The Award giving ceremony followed next , in which students who excel in various categories are honoured with awards for 100 per cent attendance, excellence in academics, all-round perfrmance, for being a well-mannered student, for best performace in National and International events and best performance in co-curricular activities. These awards are given to encourage students to do their best in the above areas and encourage healthy competition.

Night Stays

Staying away at school from home for an entire night , gives the students’ fun, thrill , excitement & simple pleasurable experience of outdoor camping in their school campus. A night stay is a great way to promote the feeling of togetherness as well as feel close to nature. Night stay programmes are planned to strengthen the bond between teachers and students. Students stay overnight with their teachers, make bonfires, sing and dance in a group play games and enjoy the night out together. The next morning they are taken on an excusion to some scenic or historical place to make them aware of the rich local heritage and feel proud about it.

Field Trips

Republic Day is celebrated by AnshParivar with a patriotic fervor. The celebrations include a flag hoisting ceremony, a grand parade by the students who are led by the school parliament. They marched in synchronization to the lilting tunes of the school band. The Award giving ceremony followed next , in which students who excel in various categories are honoured with awards for 100 per cent attendance, excellence in academics, all-round perfrmance, for being a well-mannered student, for best performace in National and International events and best performance in co-curricular activities. These awards are given to encourage students to do their best in the above areas and encourage healthy competition.

Adventure Trips

Adventure trips are planned to relocate the study of environment to its rightful place enhancing the curriculum of classroom learning. The outdoors becomes a living laboratory for the learners in understanding the elements of nature available in and around us. The nature study conceived here is not so much about the learning of names and classifications but giving an inexplicable experience that would become a continuous process of learning. The trips also aims to develop the ability to weave a story from a drop of water, to sense an adventure from the silver ribbon left behind by a passing snail, to wonder and watch with admiration the gliding and turning of the gull in flight, and to interpret the coming storm by the shape and movement of the clouds. Inherent ,then, is the desire to halt and watch, to study and to correlate what one sees with the milieu in which one finds it.

The Annual Sports Meet embodied the zeal, talents, and the spirit of true sportsmanship of ANSHites , encouraging them to be persistent and to refine their talents, achieving the greatest of the heights.

Educational Trips

An outdoor cum educational camp to Jaipur is organized for the students of grade 5 to 8 to make them aware of history and historically significant places. The students get an insight into the day to day lives of the royal families. The artifacts on display depict India’s rich cultural heritage. This hands on experience enhance their knowledge of ancient history and make them understand apart of Indian culture and tradition along with the skills and competencies in the architectural fields achieved by people in the past.

Industrial Trips

Main aim of industrial visit is to provide an exposure to students about practical working environment. They also provide students a good opportunity to gain full awareness about industrial practices. Through industrial visit students get awareness about new technologies. It help students understand about the practical aspects of production, marketing, labour relations and other activities managed by industrial sectors.

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